We finally got to go home Friday afternoon. Evidently, all Braden needed was one of his parents near him, because his monitors didn't go off ALL NIGHT!! This means, he his back to "Braden's baseline" what they would call his "normal", and that gives us some time to do more testing before making any decisions about his condition for now. We are scheduled for a sleep study next Thursday night so they can see a big picture about what Braden is doing with his airway at night, and what his CO2 levels are like, etc.
We are headed to Houston in a few weeks and hope to get a second opinion about his respiratory condition from a specialist there, so pray we are able to get an appointment for the same day, with the two doctors we feel could best understand Braden's situation, and what will be best for him in a long-term sense.
We went to swim class today, after 2 weeks in the bed, it was a great opportunity to get Braden to relax and get him a good stretch. Braden is moving into his "terrible twos" and really starting to assert himself when he wants to be left alone, which is great to see him develop some cognitive ability!! oh yes, he is working on perfecting his "fake" cry too, and figuring out how to use his voice for more than a cry. Mommy gave him a new haircut tonight, and the other pic is from our last day in the hospital.
We plan on just trying to catch up on some much needed rest this weekend. We have lots going on in the coming weeks, and we will keep the blog as up to date as possible. Thanks for your support, your love, your prayer, and your friendship... I don't know where we would be without so many wonderful people in our lives.
We love you all!
The Wilson's
Has he ever perfected the "fake" cry and that kid totally can communicate when he wants to be left alone---I am so glad ya'll are home----can't wait for pictures tomorrow....
all our love,
the heckerts
Glad to see you at home! I'm glad things are settling back into a regular kind of "normal" for you guys. Best of luck with the fact finding and decisions associated with figuring out which tests are needed, which tests will give you the answers you need, and when the right time is to administer them.
The Ware's
I always love seeing pictures of mommy and her boys! Braden, you need to ask "Uncle Chris" for some help on mastering that "fake cry." He's got a pretty good one he tries to use around here! :) Hope you have more success getting what you want with yours than he does with his! ---- Welcome back home to all of you! May you continue to recover and rest peacefully in the comforts of your own home. We will continue to pray for you as you journey onward...We love you!
What wonderful news. We've had you all in our prayers.
Hugs -- Susan, Tim, Carson, Wyland, Graeme, and Marshall
My prayers are and always will be with you all! I'm sure the trach will work well for Braden. I love you all!
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